Teaching & Supervising
At Oxford, I teach across two departments. Within the School of Geography and the Environment I teach undergraduate and postgraduate students. In the Department for Continuing Education, I teach on the Sustainable Urban Development master’s programme.
I supervise masters and DPhil (PhD) projects in both departments. I also mentor visiting graduate students whose research aligns with my own.
At the moment I (co-)supervise seven DPhil students. As I will be on sabbatical leave for 12 months from October 2025, I will not be supporting applications for entry in 2025.
If you’re interested in working with me for your graduate studies, the first step is to take a look at my research page, which outlines what I am currently working on.
If you decide to apply to Oxford, take a look at the university website which has a lot of guidance on the process and the proposal requirements.
If you would like to have a chat about your research interests for your graduate work, pop me an email at: debbie.hopkins[at]ouce.ox.ac.uk
Current Students
Andreas Papallas
DPhil Student
Julia Youngs
DPhil Student
Clara Klages
DPhil Student
Neha Arora
DPhil Student
Maryam Altaf
DPhil Student
Yi Fan Liu
DPhil Student
Faizal Bin Abdul Aziz
DPhil Student
Previous Students
Vera Huwe
Visiting PhD Student