Teaching & Supervising

At Oxford, I teach across two departments. Within the School of Geography and the Environment I teach undergraduate and postgraduate students. In the Department for Continuing Education, I teach on the Sustainable Urban Development master’s programme.

I supervise masters and DPhil (PhD) projects in both departments. I also mentor visiting graduate students whose research aligns with my own.

At the moment I (co-)supervise seven DPhil students. As I will be on sabbatical leave for 12 months from October 2025, I will not be supporting applications for entry in 2025.

If you’re interested in working with me for your graduate studies, the first step is to take a look at my research page, which outlines what I am currently working on.

If you decide to apply to Oxford, take a look at the university website which has a lot of guidance on the process and the proposal requirements.

If you would like to have a chat about your research interests for your graduate work, pop me an email at: debbie.hopkins[at]ouce.ox.ac.uk

Current Students

  • Andreas Papallas

    DPhil Student

  • Julia Youngs

    DPhil Student

  • Clara Klages

    DPhil Student

  • Neha Arora

    DPhil Student

  • Maryam Altaf

    DPhil Student

  • Yi Fan Liu

    DPhil Student

  • Faizal Bin Abdul Aziz

    DPhil Student

Previous Students

  • Vera Huwe

    Visiting PhD Student